

Many of us feel “stressed out” more often than we would like to admit. That’s unfortunate, because chronic stress can adversely affect our physical and mental health.

If only we had a superpower that would allow us to manage stress.

Well, it may not be a superpower, but each of us does hold the power to do something about stress. 这是……的力量 连接. Getting out of our own heads and connecting with the world around us can be an effective stress-buster.

Here are some simple ways you can connect more to find stress relief.


人类是群居动物. Our ancestors learned the benefits of cooperation long ago, 让我们有一种天生的渴望去联系. And studies have shown that feeling connected socially can have positive health effects.

Connecting with family and close friends can be a helpful antidote to stress too. People who know you well will know what you’re going through, and they may be able to offer a helpful perspective if you care to discuss the stress factors in your life.

But there’s no obligation to focus your interactions on “solving” your stress, or theirs. You may find it rejuvenating just to talk about the weather, or upcoming celebrations or gatherings. And don’t be afraid to make the first move: If you haven’t talked to an old friend in a bit, 给她发个“最近怎么样??的信息,看看你能得到什么.



The benefits of 连接 aren’t restricted to your inner circle. 事实上, research suggests that even casual interactions - with acquaintances, or, 说, your postal carrier on a sunny afternoon – promote social and emotional well-being.

所以如果你想缓解压力, don’t miss an opportunity to enjoy small talk with a cashier or a delivery person. Or tell a coworker (or your favorite barista in a green apron) how much you appreciate them. You’ll likely make their day, and you’ll be lowering your stress level to boot.

And just as the benefits of 连接 aren’t reserved for your BFFs, 现在也不要求是现实生活, you can make a meaningful 连接 with friends and acquaintances via text, 电子邮件, 脸谱网, 或者边玩边聊天.

不要害怕表现出好的一面, in the form of positive or supportive comments on social media. Chances are, some of that good will come back to you.


Did you know that studies show that merely the act of petting a dog decreases blood pressure?

而这仅仅是个开始. Interacting with your pet can relieve stress and suppress stress hormones. Pets bring us feelings of goodwill, joy, nurturing and happiness. Everyone can relate to that wave of warmth that your pet greets you with after a long day at work!

Connecting with your pet can have additional benefits too. Taking your pet to the park might invite healthy social interaction with other people who love their pets. And if you’re active with your pet – puppy yoga, anyone? ——这对健康也有好处.

下载我们的“与宠物一起行动”信息图表. (PDF)


走出去! Spending time in nature can improve your health and well-being.

But you don’t have to hike the Alps to jettison your stress. A walk in a nearby park or around the high school track still gives you the stress-lessening benefit of fresh air, 阳光, 和锻炼.

You get bonus points – and bonus stress relief – if you combine your time in nature with social interaction. Invite a friend to join you for a brisk walk around the neighborhood. With each step, you may find your stress fading away.


你也可以通过向内看来缓解压力. Science recognizes the stress management and mental health benefits of prayer and belief in a higher power, 以及其他形式的灵性.

Many people find stress relief through meditation or mindfulness exercises. Others alleviate stress through mind-body practices, such as yoga or tai chi.


联系有缓解压力的力量, and the power of 连接 can be found in many forms – from a genuine moment of human interaction at the grocery store to a moment of silence amidst the trees in a forest.

Find the form of 连接 that works best for you, and let’s be Healthy for Good.